Friday, December 08, 2006
Oopsies! I forgot to document my life!
news flashes: went to miami to visit my best friend. I miss her, it's nice to have the friend you don't need words with.
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Rut
I feel into this sick-lady rut. I have been frighteningly lethargic the past few weeks, it's gross and unlike me. I'm holed up in Crystal Lake, my friends are far away and I am ready to get back to school. Actually, I am beyond ready. I've now read books on the history of pirates, female body image, new trends within urban society, globalization, travel narratives, mountain climbing, surfing, sex workers in Lahore and the unique situation of the american nun. Yes. I need knowledge to survive.
I have also decided that I need the man from cold case files to narrate my wedding.
Oh, and that commodore dingo is indeed a wonderful dog.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
And then some
Monday, August 14, 2006
When Mexicans Attack
Friday, August 11, 2006
A Healthy Sort of Vengeance
I am the shape of a Butternut Squash.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The Infamous Stories of Dogs 1 and 2
Meet my first Dog of the Summer. In order to get over his loss, I have convinced myself that he was satanic. This is obvious if you only look into his demon eyes, glowing with the light of the million souls he has eaten...
In a previous post, I mentioned negotations for this dog. How I had been shown this dog by Family Member M (people I love to hate protection program) and then told he wasn't available. One day, I decided to take a different dog from the family where I got him, as they have many, many dogs.
When I got to the house with my father, a family member told me that I could take the dog I wanted, (pictures above) he was indeed available. I questioned several times, I asked and asked, I made very certain. Family member (we shall call him D, for protection) D said to go ahead and take the dog, as he obviously loved me. and oh, he did.
That night phone calls from M and her children started. The next day, a gigantic email war was waged, filled with negotiations. I had been given a dog, I intended to keep it. You can't just change your mind. You cannot be an AmerIndian (native american, if you prefer) giver!
The last email however, which was sent to my father, was from M stating that the dog was needed back because M did not feel any love was coming M's way from anyone, especially D, so Dog 1 was needed for love. D apparently was drunk when he awarded me with the dog and M wants to leave D but does not have the money. Yes. This shit happens.
My parents have a heart of gold, they agreed to this. I agreed too...but I had to give back my dog because someone was without love, and they only had enough dogs to form a pack in their yard...but really, who wants to be the bitch who refuses others love? Not I, said the brown girl...Not I.
Dog 2 on the Rise
This is my dog, Rusty. I found him online. He was going to be euthenised at a shelter in Indiana because he had been there for a few weeks. He is a golden retriever mix, trained, housebroken, up to date on shots, does not bark. Playa, even like cats.
I'll admit, I wasn't as excited about adopting a shelter dog. I sort of applied like "meh, poor thing is going to die, I might as well, probably won't even get accepted". Well, I got accepted and next thing you know I was driving 3 hours to Indiana for a dog I had only seen online and was told "don't worry, he's been aggression tested, they have to be after their abused". Turns out he's cool and I take him everywhere now. They named him Rusty at the shelter, but I try not to call him by that slave name. He goes by Commodore Dingo.
So, yes, I finally have a dog. Yes, he is strange. Yes, you may play with him.
info for the friendly reader: I realize this story was filled with potential for punning. Honestly, though. Honestly.
Monday, July 24, 2006
The official Interlochen Story
July 16th. A day that will live in infamy. Erin Walker, Hannah Henry and I travelled to....
home to the Interlochen School for the arts. Home to children being tortured. Home to a school with a theme song and a marching theme song. Yes, they call them themes.
Home to their own Dairy stand filled with dairy treats. Home to a gift shop with countless boxes of cookies mass-produced in 1974. An arts school with a personal Motel.
Interlochen is known for things other than music. Yes. They do theater.
Team Save Luke Henry left early that morning, starting a 5 hour trek towards the upper peninsula. After fueling up with hash browns from McDonald's and coffee, after navigating through the treacherous waters of the gay games, we were on the road. Born free. We were like cougars released into the wild, with only one thing on our minds...saving Luke Henry.
Once we reached the camp, we were forced to mingle with uniformed band leaders. All of them in uniform, all in shorts, all with white knee-socks. We were sent to the encampment for teen-boys where we were allowed to check Luke Henry out for the day, promising to return him at 9 and being given copies of the Interlochen Constitution. We promised, no drugs and no alcohol. Once these promises were made, we hopped back into the car, when we spotted this:
truly a sad day.
There is apparently nothing to do in some parts of Michigan. Being resourceful, we went to Olive Garden. After Erin directly mocked a hostess, winning the rest of the team over even more, Olive Garden was uneventful.
So what else is there to do in this situation? We went to the mall!!! We went directly to the Alpaca outlet where all things can be made covered in Alpaca. Breath taking. All this could only be matched by heading to dairy mart...we ate dairy and mocked locals.
We returned Luke and played Journey as he walked back to Camp. He will never stop believin'
Editor's notes:
Olive Garden and after happened in Cadillac, not Interlochen.
Also, one interesting thing did happen at Olive Garden. I learned that when being mocked, hissing is an acceptable response.
Yes, Ma! Erin will have some Blueberry Pie!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Freeing the Captive.
My team and I (this means Hannah, Erin and myself) will be taking to the road this weekend. Yes, for one glorious day we will be going to Interlochen, Michigan to bust Hannah's younger brother out of band camp. Music Nazis have taken over his life and it's up to us to keep him strange
So, in one day we will drive there and drive home, 5 hours each way. This is the way it must be with our schedules...
but when was the last time you saved anyone from the clutches of band camp?
none of my friend's brothers will turn out like Josh Groban, so help me god!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thought #297
And as much as you want to fix things, you're hoping they fall off the face of your earth so you don't have to deal with it.
And in the end, you're fairly certain that perfect doesn't exist and hey...if good relationships happen, they happen. But you don't really want to play that game anymore. But you will, I mean, you're human, so you must want to be loved.
It's just that feeling of being punched in the stomach you don't want...
I'm 21 and I'm already too tired.
bah. I give myself one night of uncontrollable sobbing, chick flick (I choose when harry met sally) and emotions. Then tomorrow, life again.
I am 21, tired but way too young to be down so long.
Incident of the dog
Reason? She has a bad husband and needs someone to love her, thus, 5 dogs are necessary and not just 4.
I'm serious.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I am tired.
today is the day they will try and take it back.
details later.
Monday, July 10, 2006
There are only two (other than pollen in the air and shit):
I'm actually allergic to all Crush sodas. Every single one of them. Our friend orange though, that little bugger kicks my ass. Like, throat-swells-can't-breathe-get-that-buddy-to-the-hospital.
Cheap Bubble Bath. Okay, so bargain soap in general. I think most people are allergic to this though. You shouldn't be rubbin unidentified shit in unmarked bottles (or bottles marked "soap!") on your body. But I stay away from bubble bath as much as possible.
3 days ago, I met a new enemy.
I like bananas. I do. Suddenly I'm allergic though so...Well, goodbye to them. They were in a lot of good banana-based breads and muffins...Okay, only banana nut, but that's a damn good bread.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Battle for the Dog
I want a dog. This is acceptable, I have lots of dog owning time and skills. The problem with dog ownage is that I have to select a dog. I thought this was taken care of when I interviewed Rusty.
So the lady who currently has Rusty (and 4 other dogs) has a son who is trying to renegotiate his deal with Rusty now that my offer is on the table. This son is in his twenties and I personally do not care whether or not he wants the dog. Being a son, he will most likely get the dog. I understand this. Where do I go from here for my house trained, fixed and generally good natured beast?
In walks Cody, the other dog this lady (nice lady, by the way) has up for grabs.
Is it sick that I don't want the number 2 dog? I want my dog to be a winner.
The picture is from
go. laugh. love.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
but hey, we travel, we internet, we's bound to get around. Everything is at our fingertips so how does this not spread?
But that doesn't mean that we can't still be surprised by the familiar.
It doesn't mean that though one thing might be in every country, that each country doesn't add their own touches, make it their own. The changes are already there and I don't think they are reversible.
I'm not pro globalization or pro giant fast food machines.
I'm okay with the cultures compromising and blending a bit, it's bound to happen.
It's the cancellation of a culture that I worry about.