Friday, August 25, 2006
The Rut
I feel into this sick-lady rut. I have been frighteningly lethargic the past few weeks, it's gross and unlike me. I'm holed up in Crystal Lake, my friends are far away and I am ready to get back to school. Actually, I am beyond ready. I've now read books on the history of pirates, female body image, new trends within urban society, globalization, travel narratives, mountain climbing, surfing, sex workers in Lahore and the unique situation of the american nun. Yes. I need knowledge to survive.
I have also decided that I need the man from cold case files to narrate my wedding.
Oh, and that commodore dingo is indeed a wonderful dog.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
And then some
Monday, August 14, 2006
When Mexicans Attack
Friday, August 11, 2006
A Healthy Sort of Vengeance
I am the shape of a Butternut Squash.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The Infamous Stories of Dogs 1 and 2
Meet my first Dog of the Summer. In order to get over his loss, I have convinced myself that he was satanic. This is obvious if you only look into his demon eyes, glowing with the light of the million souls he has eaten...
In a previous post, I mentioned negotations for this dog. How I had been shown this dog by Family Member M (people I love to hate protection program) and then told he wasn't available. One day, I decided to take a different dog from the family where I got him, as they have many, many dogs.
When I got to the house with my father, a family member told me that I could take the dog I wanted, (pictures above) he was indeed available. I questioned several times, I asked and asked, I made very certain. Family member (we shall call him D, for protection) D said to go ahead and take the dog, as he obviously loved me. and oh, he did.
That night phone calls from M and her children started. The next day, a gigantic email war was waged, filled with negotiations. I had been given a dog, I intended to keep it. You can't just change your mind. You cannot be an AmerIndian (native american, if you prefer) giver!
The last email however, which was sent to my father, was from M stating that the dog was needed back because M did not feel any love was coming M's way from anyone, especially D, so Dog 1 was needed for love. D apparently was drunk when he awarded me with the dog and M wants to leave D but does not have the money. Yes. This shit happens.
My parents have a heart of gold, they agreed to this. I agreed too...but I had to give back my dog because someone was without love, and they only had enough dogs to form a pack in their yard...but really, who wants to be the bitch who refuses others love? Not I, said the brown girl...Not I.
Dog 2 on the Rise
This is my dog, Rusty. I found him online. He was going to be euthenised at a shelter in Indiana because he had been there for a few weeks. He is a golden retriever mix, trained, housebroken, up to date on shots, does not bark. Playa, even like cats.
I'll admit, I wasn't as excited about adopting a shelter dog. I sort of applied like "meh, poor thing is going to die, I might as well, probably won't even get accepted". Well, I got accepted and next thing you know I was driving 3 hours to Indiana for a dog I had only seen online and was told "don't worry, he's been aggression tested, they have to be after their abused". Turns out he's cool and I take him everywhere now. They named him Rusty at the shelter, but I try not to call him by that slave name. He goes by Commodore Dingo.
So, yes, I finally have a dog. Yes, he is strange. Yes, you may play with him.
info for the friendly reader: I realize this story was filled with potential for punning. Honestly, though. Honestly.